This file describes core qbank plugin changes in /question/bank/*, information provided here is intended especially for developers. === 4.4.1 === * column_base::from_column_name now has an ignoremissing field, which can be used to ignore if the class does not exist, instead of throwing an exception. === 4.4 === * Question bank actions (anything that subclasses question_action_base) should implement the method get_menu_position() to control what position in the action menu it appears it. See the comment on the base class method for more details. If you don't do this, you will get a debugging warning. === 4.3 === * The helper class in qbank_statistics has had several of its methods deprecated. If you want to display statistics in the question bank, you should now override the get_required_statistics_fields() method in your column class, and then the values you need will be available from $this->qbank->get_aggregate_statistic(...). If you are not in a question_bank_column class, you can directly access efficient statistics-loading from the core_question\local\statistics\statistics_bulk_loader class. * Question actions are now implemented as a standalone qbank plugin feature. Instead of passing the actions through get_question_columns(), plugins implementing actions will now have to use get_question_actions(). Action classes are implemented by extending the new question_action_base class, which replaces the deprecated action_column_base class, menu_action_column_base class and menuable_action interface. The shared functionality between actions and columns has now been moved to the shared view_component base class. === 4.1 === * New functions qbank_usage\helper::get_question_bank_usage_sql and qbank_usage\helper::get_question_attempt_usage_sql have been implemented. When calling a query with the SQL those methods returned, you have to be sure in the accompanying $params array are in the right order. === 4.0 === * This plugin type is new in Moodle 4.0. It is for adding features to the question bank. They key entry point is the class plugin_feature in the plugin namespace. This tells the core question bank API exactly which features this plugin implements. These features can currently be new columns in the question bank display, and bulk actions. Currently, actions on single questions are implemented as a type of column (but this should probably change in the future.) To get started, have a look at the methods in core_question\local\bank\plugin_features_base which you can override.