This files describes API changes in /report/* - plugins, information provided here is intended especially for developers. === 4.4.2 === * The `report_helper::print_report_selector` method accepts an additional argument for adding content to the tertiary navigation to align with the report selector === 4.2 === * The method report_progress\local\helper::get_activities_to_show() has an additional parameter $activitysection to support filtering by sections. === 4.0 === * The method report_helper::save_selected_report() has been been deprecated because it is no longer used. === 3.11 === * The new report plugin's can have drop down, which can be included by calling static methods save_selected_report and print_report_selector in lib/classes/report_helper.php. The save_selected_report helps to remember the most recently accessed report plugin. print_report_selector would help to show the dropdown, on the report page. Make sure to call print_report_selector after the header is printed/echoed. === 3.6 === * The final deprecation of xxx_delete_course callback means that this function will no longer be called. Please use the observer for event \core\event\course_content_deleted instead. === 3.2 === * Callback delete_course is deprecated and should be replaced with observer for event \core\event\course_content_deleted * The report_log_print_graph signature and behaviour has changed to generate charts using the new Chart API. The third argument has been renamed to $typeormode and it accepts the type (usercourse.png, userday.png) or the mode (today, all). === 2.7 === * How to migrate reports accessing table 'log': * All reports that use logstores must implement a callback report_reportname_supports_logstore($storeinstance) in lib.php of the report. Refer MDL-44596 for details. === 2.2 === API changes: * reports were moved from /admin/report/ to /report/ * new support for report settings How to migrate existing admin reports: # move all files to new /report/yourplugin/ location # if settings.php exists add $settings=null; # if settings.php does not exist create it and link the report, index.php is not linked automatically any more # update require('../../config.php'); - remove one ../ # update all others includes and requires # update all links to report pages by removing /admin/ or /$CFG->admin/ # add language pack with at least 'pluginname' string # update CSS selectors How to migrate existing course reports (optional): # move all files to new /report/yourplugin/ location # update require('../../config.php'); - remove one ../ # update all others includes and requires # update all links to report pages by removing /course/ part # update all language strings (use 'report_yourplugin' instead of 'coursereport_yourplugin') - use AMOS hints in commit message # update all capability names # grep the plugin codebase and look for any remaining 'coursereport' occurrences # add new navigation hooks in lib.php - ex: report_stats_extend_navigation_course(), report_stats_extend_navigation_user() # add new page types in lib.php # create db/install.php migration script - delete old settings and capabilities (see converted plugins for examples) # update CSS selectors See for more details and explanation.